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 How Does The Course Work?

Students watch online videos and complete assignments at their own pace. It is recommended to watch two videos per week and complete the assignments that accompany the video. There are usually five assignments per week. It is expected the student will finish the course similar to a ten month public school schedule regular holiday breaks; although they can work at a faster rate, if desired.

This is truly a cooperative effort between Students, Parents and Teacher. Parents can expect that homework will be assigned and the course will be designed in order to help students prepare for college. Homework will be graded by the parents (not the students) using a special website and they will then email Mr. Warren the number correct and incorrect for each assignment. Mr. Warren will grade 3-5 exams per semester. The exams will count for 65% of the student’s grades and the homework will be 35%. The function of the homework is only there to help prepare the student for the exams.

Parents will be expected to log into their child’s gradebook to monitor the assignments and grades along with contacting Mr.Warren with any questions or concerns or information about their child’s progress. Students are also encouraged to contact Mr.Warren for confirmation of process questions.

What are the Costs & Supplies?

homeschool algebra costs

  • Per student, this course is $200 per semester or $375 if paid in full. This includes the rental of the textbook (which must be returned before the final grade report will be issued) and access to the online gradebook(JupiterEd) where instructional videos, book assignments, and extra handouts will be attached. Course access lasts for 12 months.
  • Book Rental Fee: $100 up front, fully refundable with the return of the undamaged book within 12 months.
  • Students will be required to have their own (Texas Instruments) TI-84 plus CE graphing calculator—these range in price from $100-$140 new.(Do NOT purchase a Casio)
  • Internet Connection to watch the videos.

How Do They Get Help?

Contact Mr.Warren at for additional options for help and/or make-up tests.

Students may start the course any day of the year. Teacher access via email lasts 365 days from the first day of payment as does access to the JupiterEd grading system.

When is the course offered?

where can i find homeschool algebra classes

Students may start the course any day of the year. Teacher access via email lasts 365 days from the first day of payment as does access to the JupiterEd grading system and videos.

I think Mr. Warren is funny and friendly! The classes are easy to follow, but he is always nice, laid back, and approachable if I need help. His stories are the best!

-Andrew, Algebra 1

How do I Register?

Fill out the form below and we will be in touch.

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